About Anything+Everything Blog

About Anything+Everything Blog

Learn more about the Anything + Everything Blog by John Guerra.
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About | Anything + Everything Blog by John Guerra
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About page for Anything + Everything Blog by John Guerra
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Created time
Feb 14, 2023 02:47 PM
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About Me, the writer

I am one of many. I say this because I feel my voice is one of a billion voices that can be heard today. One of the millions who have come before me. And one of the trillions that will come after me. I write with that thought humbling and empowering my work.

About this, the blog

This blog is about anything and everything — here is a word about the content I hope to create.


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I use Twitter mostly as a news feed — a wild news feed — and to share a bulletin to all I do on this Journey. Also, I listen to and ask questions of Twitter.

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